Tag Archives: Long

Liquidity crises and technology responses

BIS Working Paper No.293 issued in November 2009 deals with the very interesting recent market happening – liquidity crisis. It also covers some ten propositions about liquidity crises. While going through the same, I was looking for ways...

eChecks to replace paper checks

Setting: In Dec 2009, UK’s Payments Council has decreed that Cheques will be phased out  by October 31st 2018 as paper cheques are in long term terminal decline. The Council has decided the time is ripe for the economy as a whole to reap...

Trends in Risk and Margin

Any activity is associated with risk – a loss or gain. Financial risk management is not about avoiding risk. Rather, it is about understanding and communicating risk, so that risk can be taken more confidently and in a better way. (David Koenig,...

Hedge Funds Demystified

What are Hedge Funds? Investment pools, mainly for rich individuals and large institutions that can take risks as they play both sides of various stock, bond, or currency markets. Loosely regulated private pools of investment capital that can...

Key challenges in equity markets

Last week, one of my connections raised a question – what are the key challenges in the equity markets – in a forum we share with each other. I was trying to provide an answer to the questions from what I have experienced so for...

Principles for sound stress testing practices in banks

According to Bank for International Settlements, stress testing is an important risk management tool that is used by banks as part of their internal risk management exercise. It is especially important after long periods of benign economic and...

Risks associated with investments

In any investment, an investor is exposed to several kinds of risks. The risks associated with investments are liquidity risk, market risk, credit risk, operational risk, prepayment risk and extension risk. If the investor decides to go in for...

Security Lending Business

Concept of Security lending Security is an asset or third party commitment accepted by the security taker to secure an obligation of the security provider. In theory, cash is the perfect security. The assets traditionally used as security, such...

The lessons one has to learn from markets these days

Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bros, AIG ? These were the big names one feared for in the markets and one cherished dreams to be associated with. What indeed made them big and feared for?  Their aggressiveness in the first place, positioning...

Enhance the Quality of Financial Regulation – the Need of the Hour.

The purpose of any regulation is for solving problems that stakeholder or business alone cannot solve, as well as for making trade-offs among different objectives. Year 2008 will definitely go down in the history as the year of the greatest...