Tag Archives: Transaction costs

Financial Technology and Market Leadership

This write-up traces the financial markets, financial institutions and financial technology, the business benefits that can be reaped by financial institutions by acquiring FT – Financial Technology to achieve leadership position in the...

My Tributes to Professor Emeritus Ronald Coase

Ronald Coase, 1991 Nobel Prize Winner for Economic Sciences and an influential economist of our times, passed away at the ripe age of 102. His final book was “How China Became Capitalist” co-written with a former student, Nina Wang and this...

Best Practices Framework for Derivatives Business

 “The world of banking has changed radically as a consequence of the recent crises and it is still changing. The rise of the universal banking model seems almost unstoppable, basically driven by the desire for an accelerated consolidation....

Financial Market Harmonization Through Financial Technology Application

The global financial industry is in the midst of unprecedented and challenging times. Changes in market conditions drive a very different economic climate which beckons the need to accelerate market harmonization in emerging countries. What...